If you are visiting this page, it is likely that you believe in the importance of language and elocution. Join the club! The inspiration for this page was the current trend of people to growl when they speak, most notably during their delivery of a last sentence of a paragraph, or the last few syllables of a sentence or word. Here, you will find examples of elegant speech, typified by a controlled voice that does not grate upon the auditory sense. I will post videos in which those featured are speaking clearly in moderated tones. These clips will include the occasional contemporary speaker, and more frequently I will choose mellifluous voices from the past, when those who were presented to communicate publicly adhered to traditional standards of proper elocution. Listening to our fellow human beings ought to be a pleasant experience rather than evoking images of the proverbial fingernail streaking down a chalkboard. Broadcasting standards no longer exist, but with our efforts here at Vocal Elegance, we may be able to effect a positive change.
All the Best,
M-J de M.
All the Best,
M-J de M.